Hear what our CFers have to say
Many students like you have benefited from their time at CF. Listen to them as they share their experiences.
Many students like you have benefited from their time at CF. Listen to them as they share their experiences.
At SUTD CF, you discover more of God’s character, his will, his purpose; it’s everywhere throughout the bible, and it takes tools and discussion to actually be able to arrive at certain conclusions that will actually amaze you, actually give you a new insight on how God works and what are we supposed to do.
Weekly bible study and fellowship with other Christians in school has brought me closer to God as I learn to be a better Christian student - honouring Him in my studies as well as being the salt and light to our peers on campus.
I used to read the bible quite loosely, I just read it as a casual thing. Coming to CF has really taught me how to study the bible in the original intent and message of the authors and I was able to appreciate better the context of a lot of books that we have been studying together.
In our Bible studies, the group is very friendly, and we can arrow one another and every time we see that someone is not here, we can encourage one another to continue coming. I think that is a very nice culture that we have. The camp really helped to bond us together, where we could just talk and play and get to know one another, especially over the barbeque!
During the camp it was cool to have time to bond together as a fellowship and to really see how God is working in the lives of others. I feel that this culture of accountability and of openness within all of us really helps to pull me through in the tough times, in studies, or in design and yeah, whenever things get tough.
In term 2, the book of Daniel was very insightful because the leaders of discussion helped to unpack it in ways I was not able to see and interpret on my own. I learnt more because of the context that was highlighted in the sessions. This journey is irreplaceable and drives me further to start my own readings with my own family members to foster and share that CF spirit of always having the Word as my foundation.